The Show


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Traditional format

Morning Musical prelude

Live performance by the orchestra of the Prelude theme, by Josep Borràs, with which begins the first part of the representation “La Passió d’Esparreguera” 

First part (morning)

Public life of Jesus


1 - Election of the Apostles

Jesus begins his public life with the election of 12 apostles who will accompany him in the task of transmitting his doctrine. They see in him the figure of the Messiah who can liberate the people of Israel.

2 - Mosaic law

The message of Jesus and his deeds cause concern inthe religious authorities. They see with fear the risk that he will succed among the people and that Sanhedrin will lose influence and power.

3 - Conversion of the Samaritan

Jesus and his disciples go to Galilee. On his journey, Jesus meets a Samaritan woman whom he forgives her sins. She ends up recognizing him as the messiah.

4 - Sermon on the Mount

Jesus exposes in front of a crowd his new doctrine based on love and mercy towards the poor and humble people, which confronts him with the affluent classes and the religious authorities.

5 - Children’s painting and festival of light

Jesus heals a leper woman, and the children worship him.

6 - Children’s painting and festival of light

Jesus stops de execution of an adulterous woman.


7 - The resurrection of Lazarus

Faced with the death of Lazarus, Jesus visits his grave and resurrects him.

8 - Entrance to Jerusalem

Jesus enters Jerusalem, and the crowds acclaim his arrival with songs and waving palms and branches of laurels and olive trees. Jesus, instead of responding to the reception with joy, regrets not being able to save the city from its fate.

9 - Betania's banquet

Simon a rich pharisee from Betania, invites Jesus and his disciples to a banquet at his house to learn about his doctrine. During the meal, Mary Magdalene bursts onto the scene, begging forgiveness for her sins.

10 - Jesus drives the merchant people out of the Temple

Jesus drives the merchants and moneychangers out from the Temple of Jerusalem with the intention of purifying the sacred precinct, a fact that confronts him again with the religious authorities. They threaten him and decide to arrest him.

11 - Jesus farewell to Mary

Jesus aware of what the future holds for him, visits his mother Mary. There is a sweet and endearing farewell between they two.

12 - The Last Supper

Jesus gathers his disciples to make the last dinner where he announces that he will be betrayed, and he will have to face his Passion.

SECOND PART (afternoon)

Passion, death and resurrection


Afternoon musical prelude

Live performance by the orchestra of the Prelude afternoon theme, by Josep Borràs, with which the second part of the interpretation “La Passió d’Esparreguera” begins.

13 - Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane

Jesus, accompanied by some of his disciples, prays during the night in the garden of Gethsemane. The Sanhedrin guards, led by Judas, identify, and capture him. Jesus is brought before the Sanhedrin.

14 - Peter’s denials

Peters denies knowing his master on three occasions while waiting for Jesus to arrive as a prisoner to be judge by the Jewish authorities. When he sees him pass, he remembers the prediction that Jesus made to him and shows regret.

15 - Sanhedrin session and religious process against Jesus

The Council of the Sanhedrin meets urgently to confirm the crimes of Jesus’ public activity, to try him for blasphemy and sedition and to ask Rome for his execution.

16 - Suicide of Judas

Judas regrets having betrayed Jesus and decides to end his life by hanging himself from a tree.


17 - Jesus in front of Pilate

The religious authorities bring Jesus in front of the Roman governor for him to render a judgement to the death sentence on the cross. Pilate thinks that Jesus, being from Galiela, belongs to Herod’s jurisdiction and decides that it is he who judges him.

18 - Jesus in front of Herod

Herod interrogates Jesus, shows interest in him for his condition as a miracle and asks him to perform a miracle. Finding no answer from Jesus, Herod consider him as a orator and returns him to Pilate to issue a sentence.

19 - Jesus again in front of Pilate

Jesus is again in front of Pilate. Members of the Sanhedrin, accompanied by an exalted crowd, are pushing for a death sentence. Pilate does not see enough reasons and condemns Jesus to forty whippings.

20 - Flagellation

Jesus is beaten and ridiculed by a group of soldiers.

21 - Jesus is condemned to death

Members of the Sanhedrin insist on ask for Jesus’ death sentence and threaten Pilate with a riot and also in transferring these facts to the Roman emperor. Pilate disregards himself from the case and condemns Jesus to die on the cross.

22 - Mary knows the sentence

John informs Mary that his son has been arrested and will be crucified. Mary expresses her willingness to be present during Jesus’ ordeal and death.

23 - Ordeal road

Jesus goes to the ordeal by dragging de cross.

24 - Veronica (plastic painting)

Jesus falls and a woman wipes her face with her veil. The image of Jesus is printed on the fabric.

25 - Jesus dies crucified at the peak of ordeal

Jesus is crucified.

26 - Spear thrust

A soldier nails a spear to Jesus’ right side once he is dead.

27 - Descent from the cross

Nicodemus, Joseph of Arimathea, Mary and Magdalene bring the Messiah down from the cross and wrap him with a white sheet to take him to the tomb.

28 - Burial

The funeral procession gives burial to the Jesus body.

29 - Centurion in front of Pilate

Centurion shows he is convinced of Jesus’ divine character and communicates it to Pilate.

30 - Resurrection

Jesus rises from the death and leaves de grave.

31 - Appearance to Mary

Jesus appears to his mother.

32 - Appearance to the Apostles + Summary

Jesus appears to the apostles and asks them to bring the new good to all.

33 - Glory

Jesus ascends to heaven.

New format

Musical prelude

Live performance by the orchestra of the Prelude theme, by Josep Borràs, with which begins the first part of the representation “La Passió d’Esparreguera” 


1 - Election of the Apostles

Jesus begins his public life with the election of 12 apostles who will accompany him in the task of transmitting his doctrine. They see in him the figure of the Messiah who can liberate the people of Israel.

2 - Anna’s Plot

The message of Jesus and his deeds cause concern inthe religious authorities. They see with fear the risk that he will succed among the people and that Sanhedrin will lose influence and power.

3 - Sermon on the Mount

Jesus exposes in front of a crowd his new doctrine based on love and mercy towards the poor and humble people, which confronts him with the affluent classes and the religious authorities.

4 - The resurrection of Lazarus

Faced with the death of Lazarus, Jesus visits his grave and resurrects him.

5 - Entrance to Jerusalem

Jesus enters Jerusalem, and the crowds acclaim his arrival with songs and waving palms and branches of laurels and olive trees. Jesus, instead of responding to the reception with joy, regrets not being able to save the city from its fate.

6 - Juda´s betrayal

The religious authorities want to combat the danger that Jesus represents to their hegemony and draw up a plan to arrest him with the help of one of his disciples.

7 - The Last Supper

Jesus gathers his disciples to make the last dinner where he announces that he will be betrayed, and he will have to face his Passion.

8 - Jesus farewell to Mary

Jesus visits his mother, Mary. There is a sweet and affectionate farewell between them.

9 - Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane

Jesus, accompanied by some of his disciples, prays during the night in the garden of Gethsemane. The Sanhedrin guards, led by Judas, identify, and capture him. Jesus is brought before the Sanhedrin.

10 - Mary Knows that Jesus has been arrested

Mary senses that Jesus has been imprisoned and accepts to face the suffering of his Passion with serenity.

11 - Sanhedrin Session. Trial of Jesus (I)

The council of the Sanhedrin meets urgently to judge Jesus of Nazareth for blasphemy and sedition.

12 - Peter’s denials

Peters denies knowing his master on three occasions while waiting for Jesus to arrive as a prisoner to be judge by the Jewish authorities. When he sees him pass, he remembers the prediction that Jesus made to him and shows regret.

13 - Sanhedrin Session. Process of Jesus (II)

The council of the Sanhedrin continues with the process of Jesus. They agree to request his execution from the Roman governor.

14 - Judas' suicide

Judas regrets having betrayed Jesus and decides to end his life by hanging himself from a tree.


15 - Pilate & Claudia

El governador romà de la Judea evita jutjar a Jesús. Pilat troba que Jesús, essent de Galilea, pertany a la jurisdicció d’Herodes i decideix que sigui ell qui el jutgi. Herodes el torna a Pilat. 

16 - Jesus again in front of Pilate

Members of the Sanhedrin, accompanied by an exalted crowd, are pushing for a death sentence. Pilate does not see enough reasons and condemns Jesus to forty whippings.

17 - Forty lashes

Jesus is beaten and ridiculed by a group of soldiers.

18 - Pilate condemns Jesus

Members of the Sanhedrin insist on ask for Jesus’ death sentence and threaten Pilate with a riot and also in transferring these facts to the Roman emperor. Pilate disregards himself from the case and condemns Jesus to die on the cross.

19 - Mary knows the sentence

John informs Mary that his son has been arrested and will be crucified.

20 - Road to Calvary + Veronica

John communicates the sentence to Mary and Magdalena. Both decide to accompany Jesus until death. Jesus takes the way to Calvary dragging the cross.

Jesus falls and a woman (Veronica) wipes her face with her veil. The image of Jesus is printed on the fabric.

21 - Crucixion + Speared

Jesus dies crucified at the peak of Calvary.

A soldier nails a spear to Jesus’ right side once he is dead.

22 - Descent

Nicodemus, Joseph of Arimathea, Mary and Magdalene bring the Messiah down from the cross and wrap him with a white sheet to take him to the tomb.

23 - Burial & Resurrection

The funeral procession gives burial to the body of Jesus. Jesus comes out of the tomb and rises.

24 - Appearance to Mary

Jesus appears to his mother.

25 - Appearance to the Apostles

Jesus appears to the apostles and asks them to bring the new good to all.

26 - Glory

Jesus ascends to heaven.

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