Dear Europassion friends,

We are pleased to invite you to the 38th Europassion Congress that will take place in Esparreguera on March 3rd-6th of 2022 to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the founding of Europassion.

At a later date, you will receive a detailed programme but we can tell you that, in addition to the Europassion assembly and the possibility of attending one of our Passion play shows, we are preparing a variety of activities with which you will learn about our territory and culture. We will also visit Manresa following the footsteps of Ignatius of Loiola in the occasion of the 500th anniversary of his stay in Catalonia, in 1522.

We attach to this letter the registration form that we kindly ask you to fill in and that must be sent back to us by December 31st at the latest if you are interested in joying us. For the time being, we can only accept a total of four members from each group/association. If after the period of registration there are still some places available, we will accept more people from each group. After filling in the forms and completing the money transfer, please send the receipt by email at

We would love for you to take part in this congress and thus we look forward to receiving your registration forms.

Kind regards,

La Passió d’Esparreguera

Registration FORM

(PDF to send to espectacle@lapassio,net)


Europassion, Budaors (Budapest) 2018

Europassion, Tullins (Ródano-Alpes) 2019

From 1982 to now.

‘La Passió’ colaborate with:
